Packing For The Whole Family: Mom Hacks

Collaborative post by another author. When it comes to packing for a family trip, we know that moms usually find themselves juggling multiple tasks and ensuring that everyone has what they need for a smooth and enjoyable journey. They are the saviours of the whole family after all. But because we know even moms need some help sometimes, we’re here with some tips. If you’re looking to make the packing process easier and minimise stress, in this article there are some mom hacks for packing for each family member. Read along and get your supermom costume on. Let the packing hacking begin!

A queue at the airport with suitcase and a pushchair with a child in
Packing tips for family travel


To help out Dad and ensure he's always prepared, encourage him to create a travel essentials kit. You can help him add all the important things to it. Make sure you include items like a portable phone charger, a multi-tool, sunscreen, and a travel-sized toiletry bag. We know dads are efficient when it comes to clothing, so if you help out with the extra bits, everything else should be easy for him.


Every mom's packing list often goes beyond clothes and toiletries and it includes snacks, entertainment, and necessities for the little ones. To accommodate all these, look for a spacious bag with plenty of compartments for organising snacks, toys, nappies, wipes, and essentials like a wallet, phone, and sunglasses. But don’t forget about yourself. While packing for the kids is important, make sure you have some clothing pieces that will make you feel confident and comfortable during your trip. Your travel outfit is also important, as you want to stay away from overheating or being too cold. Go for a merino wool sweater to ensure that you’ll feel comfortable throughout the journey.


When it comes to packing for kids, efficiency is key. They’ll want to bring everything so just help them select a few favourite toys, books, or activities to keep them entertained during travels. To prevent boredom and meltdowns, consider packing a surprise activity bag filled with new toys, colouring books, stickers, or small games. Encourage older kids to pack their own backpack with essentials like a water bottle, snacks and a jacket. This will give them a sense of responsibility and also help you out.


If you're traveling with a dog, cat, or small pet, you can’t forget about their packing needs. Ensuring they have everything they need for a comfortable journey will make your life easier during the actual trip. Pack their favourite food, treats, water bowl, leash, collar with ID tags, and any necessary medications. If you wanna go the extra mile, bring along familiar items like their bed or blanket to help them feel at home in unfamiliar surroundings. This way traveling with pets can be a stress-free experience for the whole family and you don’t have to worry about them.

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