2020 was meant to be my year. I felt that in 2019 I put my life on hold and was just trying to make it through so 2020 was when I would start putting myself first. My son was going to start sleeping and I would focus on work, family and friendships.
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2020 was meant to give me more time for me, instead there was more time for family |
And then Covid hit. Bugger. But actually although the year hasn’t gone to plan looking back it’s not been the disaster it’s easy to think it was. Yes I got my first grey hairs in lockdown (genuinely), my stress and anxiety levels have been crazy high at times and I have seen very little of the people I love outside of my household. Money has also been tight and we spent most of the year without a reliable income coming in. Oh and I’ve gained a whole load of weight I didn’t want because some days food has been what has got me through, but there HAVE been good bits.
The Positive Parts of My 2020
I periodically take up running, but hadn’t really done much since I got pregnant in 2015. This year I started running in March to keep myself sane and to escape the house when Lockdown hit. Overall I have managed a total of 52 runs and 254 kms which makes it my best running year ever. In July I managed to beat some of my personal bests for speed and distance which were originally set 10 years ago (pre-children). The heat in August hit me so from the beginning of the month onwards I stopped making progress with only 1 run each month in September, October and November and that was only because I wanted to get my 9 month badge on Nike Running. This month I have ended on a high though, while only going out for 3 runs, on the third I plodded along for 5km without stopping for the first time in nearly 5 months.
I go running for me. It’s my break and gives me a sense of achievement. It hasn’t always been easy and I have had to listen to my body carefully to progress slowly and ensure I don’t aggravate my hips or knees which have both had problems in the past, but I am very proud of what I have achieved.
Family Time
G has been home since February. While some times he has been working from home, I (and the children) have still spent far more time with him than when he was commuting into London. We still love each other (I hope) and I will really miss him when he eventually has to work in an office.
While we have mostly been at home we had special moments like: afternoon tea at home for my birthday, camping, a stay by the beach in the summer, an Easter egg hunt and Trick or Treat hunts in the garden. Even the first Mcdonalds after it reopened was a super special event.
The children have spent far more time at home than expected yet they play together brilliantly in between the fights. All 3 of them have missed out on many of the friendships they should have had, but they have a bond between them. BB is now able to play with his sisters, although he get frustrated easily and often throws toys across the room or at his sister's head.
Little missed out on much of her preschool year, but managed nearly a complete term in Reception before having to self isolate. She has been working hard to recognise letters and is starting to blend and sound out words. It has been lovely seeing her progress in reading, writing and drawing.
M doesn't like change or uncertainty so 2020 hasn't been the easiest year for her. At times we have had huge rows, but we have also had some lovely times together too (like buying half of Westfield on a special birthday shopping trip together). Homeschooling in the spring went badly for us, but she naturally loves to read and she is pretty smart so she caught up quickly when Schools opened again.
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It has been great to see the bond between my 3 children grow this year |
Baby Boy
Gradually during 2020 BB started to be enjoyable. I don’t say it lightly when I say that he was hard work. He still sleeps badly, has multiple suspected food allergies/ intolerances and is often grumpy and bad tempered, but he is fun to be around too.
He plays more independently, has a sense of humour, is happy at times and is starting to be able to communicate his needs and understand what we tell him so each day isn’t a constant battle. I think he started to improve in the summer onwards when he was around 18 months. No one would describe him as easy, but we have fun with him now.
Blogging in 2020
2020 has been my most successful year since starting my blog. My commitment hasn’t been continuous due to homeschooling and general stress hindering my inspiration, but I’ve made good progress.
G not working meant I was able to commit some serious time to my blog in the Autumn and I saw the financial return from that. It has been my most successful year financially overall (with earnings fluctuating hugely between months) but my stats have improved too. My search traffic is more than twice what is was a year ago and my ad and affiliate income is significantly higher too. I think part of that is down to luck to be honest, but it’s a bit of a boost.
My favourite review this year was for the permanent eyeliner which I absolutely love and will definitely be keeping topped up every couple of years, a close second is my coat from Protest which has kept me so warm and cozy on school runs. I have also had some great collaborations with brands including being an Epaderm ambassador. My work with Essex Coronavirus Action includes my most viewed Instagram Reel so far and I have had lots of fun working on projects. I am forever grateful to the PR’s who regularly get in contact with offers of review products and opportunities and really value these ongoing relationships.
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Getting ready to eat a quieter Christmas dinner than normal |
So while many people are saying good riddance to 2020 it hasn’t really been an awful one for me. It’s not the year I hoped for or expected, there has been a huge amount missing from it, but I have found a lot too. It’s been a simpler, quieter year with unexpected moments I will treasure.
I loved this. It’s so nice to move in to a new year focused on the things that are positive... especially after the car crash of 2020. Great work on the running. And your three are clearly thriving. Happy new year Kate!