I write a lot but I don’t often put pen to paper. My blog posts are all written on my MacBook or typed one handed on my phone as I sit feeding a baby or stand in a playground half watching what is going on. It’s so easy to fall out of the habit of writing with a pen and to be honest apart from signing a few school letters and greetings cards I don’t actually need to these days. So I have been thinking for World Calligraphy Day maybe putting pen to paper could be more about being creative and finding inspiration?
How To Overcome Writer's Block With Creativity
There are times I have lots of words floating round in my head and there are other days I sit down with my fingers hovering over the keyboard and no words come. Even if I do manage to type the sentences aren't cohesive or anything anyone would want to read. Normally when I get writers block I just leave it until another time or type nonsense in the hopes I can improve it later, but maybe there is a better way?
Inspired by the pens sent to me by Manuscript, a Silvine pocket notebook and World Calligraphy Day I thought I would try a little calligraphy. Maybe doing something creative would unlock those words which were struggling to come?
To be honest I find calligraphy a little scary. I am not the most artistic person and the beautiful creations of others intimidate me. But the great thing about getting creative is you don’t have to end up with a piece of art that will wow others, the process of creating is more important. Even better with calligraphy you can choose a word or short text that inspires you and go from there. I chose my blog name.
The text alone looked a little rough, even before I smudged it, so I decided to decorate it with a simple swirling pattern then colour in alternate spaces. Part way through words came into my head and I had to stop to type a few paragraphs before continuing to colour.
Finally I wanted to write the numbers 1 to 10 on the coloured spaces with a white pen, but my pen was in the room where my son was sleeping so I settled for a metallic rollerball instead. It’s not obvious that they are numbers but it gives the finished result a little sparkle. I love sparkle.
Does it look amazing? No. Will I be changing it to be my new blog header? Ha, no. Does it look any better than something I could create on Canva? No, but that’s not the point. It helped me focus on something else, it unlocked a part of my brain I don’t often use and it got me writing again.
***Disclosure: I was gifted the Curve Fountain Pen and a Rollerball Pen from Manuscript as well as a Silvine Pocket Notebook. (Contains affiliate links)***
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