I am not going to say any type of weaning is better. I'm not going to debate at what age weaning should start. The information is out there and everyone has an opinion (including other parents, grandparents, friends, medical professionals, your dog). Wean however you like, whenever you like, but please use the correct terminology.
The most important principle in baby led weaning is that the baby controls what goes into their mouth. This inevitably means you start them on finger foods because they are the easiest thing for them to feed themselves, but you could theoretcially start them on purees which they picked up by the handful, they just wouldn't manage to consume very much for a while.
What are you talking about? |
While I appreciate that however your baby feeds you can't force them to eat (or drink) there is a big difference between putting a spoon in their mouth and putting the food in front of them to pick up. So wean how you like, just don't tell me you do baby led weaning if you also spoon feed them.
...Walking away quietly now
Yes! It doesn't bother me in the slightest how other people wean their babies, but baby led weaning is just that - led by baby!