Review: Wobbly Worm Ring Throwing Game

A game which makes people laugh, encourages you to play together and improves coordination. That’s got to be a winner right? We were sent the Wobbly Worm game to review, read on to find out what we thought of it. 

A girl with a pink hoop on her head throwing another hoop over the head of a green plastic worm

The Wobbly Worm game is basically a hoop throwing game reinvented by Spinmaster. The target takes the form of a cute looking worm sticking out of a half apple. The apple wobbles around and each player has 3 different size rings to try and get over the worm's head. It was really easy to assemble even without looking at the instructions and we had a quick play initially before discovering you should add batteries and reading how to actually play. The simple instructions in the box come in 13 different languages!

The game requires 2 x C (R14) batteries (not included) which go in the base to make the apple move and the worm wobble. The battery compartment is screwed shut, as is normal with children’s games, and due to the shape of the base you need a long, thin screwdriver to unscrew the battery compartment. None of the screwdrivers we own (and we have a good selection) would fit so unfortunately we didn't have a chance to test out the game with movement until I could borrow one from my Dad.

Showing the face of the worm with only 2 tubes connected and 3 different size rings

The game is adaptable to make it the right difficulty level for different age children. You can vary the height of the worm by connecting 1, 2, 3 or 4 tubes together, at it's full height the game is 90cm tall and is the most challenging. The game is recommended from age 3 upwards and children probably do need to be around 3 to be able to aim the rings. 

The instructions describe the object of the game:
“A tasty red apple fell off the tree and rolled around and around on the ground. Out popped a worm and now he’s all wobbly! Be the first to get all three of your hoops over Wobbly Worm’s head and you win!”

The box contains: 4 tubes, 4 connectors, the Wobbly Worm head, the apple base and 9 rings. Two of the tubes are slightly darker than the others and you are meant to assemble them alternating the dark and light green. The rings come in 3 different colours and 3 different sizes, each player gets one colour each. The rings have a connector piece on them so if they are pulled they snap open. This is a great safety feature. I found my girls spent nearly as long playing with the rings as with the actual game, including wearing them on their heads and as necklaces. To start the worm wobbling (once the batteries are installed) you press the green button on the apple and pressing it again stops it. When not in use it can all be stored easily in the box so it doesn't take up any more space than a board game. 

The top of the apple base showing the button to make it wobbleShowing the bottom of the base and two green "feet" which make it wobble, and the battery compartments
An open yellow ring with a connector piece

I think it's a shame that you can only have 3 players at a time and it would be good to have at least one more set of rings included. This is my only criticism of the game other than the difficult of getting the battery compartments open. My eldest is happy to play on her own so you really don't need the minimum of two suggested players.

As well as having the worm at different heights there are two variations of how to play the game: for younger children everyone takes one step back and they have to try and place their ring over the Wobbly Worm, for older players everyone takes 3 steps back and attempt to throw their ring over the worm's head. The ability to adapt the game for the skill of the players makes it a great way to keep the game a favourite for a longer period of time. There is nothing worse than a game being too hard (or too easy) for children because they will lose interest quickly. We have played with a combination of adults further back and children closer which worked well.

This game is colourful and fun. It encourages the competitive spirit of everyone in the family and I love that you can play it inside or outdoors.

***Disclosure: We were sent Wobbly Worm for an honest review. Amazon link below is an affiliate link.***


  1. Oh wow this looks so fun! My 7 year old would love this!

    1. I think he's a great age for it and would have a lot of fun with it.

  2. Oh my goodness, my little brother would love that! That looks like so much fun :-)

  3. Great review and this is fab for increasing ha d-eye co-ordination, will be looking out for this. 😀

    1. Thank you. My coordination is so rubbish I think I need to practice on this when the kids are in bed.

  4. Well this looks like lots of fun, even for someone my age!!!! Haha!

    1. It really is, us adults enjoyed it just as much as the kids


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