How To Cope With A Sick Or Disabled Baby

Collaborative post written by another author. It's a natural instinct for parents to want to keep their children safe. Every parent worries that something, bad might happen to their child, and every parent does their best to do what they can to protect their children. Sadly, sometimes things still happen to babies and children no matter how well you look after them.

A newborn baby wearing a pink sleepsuit and holding the ear of a pink jellycat rabbit

When you learn that your baby is unwell or potentially disabled, it is a heart wrenching time and you have to quickly learn how to adjust and cope with the new challenges that they will face and that you will face as a family. 

Causes of Illness or Disability

Children and babies can get chronic illnesses or disabilities for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s because of a genetic illness, an accident or they may develop a problem that nobody could predict or prevent. However, some disabilities can be caused by birth injuries.

A birth injury is an injury that occurs during the birth of your child that results in lifelong issues. They are rare, but they can be devastating. These injuries are no fault of the mother or baby, sometimes they are unavoidable, but very occasionally they can be the result of medical neglect and simply shouldn’t happen. 

If your child’s disability was caused by an injury like this, then birth injury solicitors can help you to get the compensation you deserve. While you might feel bad about seeking compensation it may be necessary in order to support your child as they grow older. If you can’t work because you’re caring for your child or you need to get special equipment and adaptions to your home, then the compensation will help your family a great deal.

Coping Emotionally as Parents

As you’d expect, knowing that your baby is unwell or disabled can be devastating to get used to. Raising a child can be challenging enough, even if they are generally healthy. If your family have to manage the worry and complications that come with a child who has a disability or long term illness it can be easy to become anxious and depressed.

While professional carers will have training, time off, carefully managed workloads through NDIS management software and support, as parents of a chronically sick child you don't get the same luxuries so it's important you find a way to prioritise your needs.

Every parent should look after their mental health, but it’s even more important if you have the extra challenges of a sick or disabled baby. They deserve the best care possible, but so do you. If you have a support system, like family or friends, then ask for support whenever you need to. Talk about your concerns and, if they offer practical help, take it with both hands.

You may also need to talk to a mental health professional. Whether you just need to talk or would benefit from medication, therapy will help you to be better equipped to help your child to navigate the challenges of growing up. 

One thing that some parents find incredibly helpful is to join a support group of people going through similar struggles. You can pick up practical tips to make your life much easier, and even develop a new group of friends who will help you see the positives and support you through the low moments. As your children get older, you could even meet up with people going through the same thing as you. 

If nothing else, sometimes it’s comforting to know that you aren’t alone in this. Being a parent can be isolating, so never be afraid to find someone to talk to and open up. It’s better for you and, ultimately, your baby. 


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