Was it really only a week ago that we spent a long day in the garden? I am writing my weekly update today wearing multiple layers and debating putting the heating on. Don’t you just love how the British weather keeps us on our toes?
We spent the last day of the Easter holidays in the garden with freshly cut grass and sunshine. The advantage of being outside is that the girls don’t make the house as much of a mess, although there does seem to be an endless amount of grass etc tramped through the house. I can handle that because it just takes a quick vacuum to get most of it. I can also live with the garden looking a mess because on the rare occasions I manage to sit on the sofa in the evening when the children are all asleep I can’t see the garden.
Back to School
On Tuesday M was back to school and Little started her first week of nursery every morning. The first couple of days went well, Baby boy slept for a few hours and I got things done. On Thursday I made the mistake of going to the shops so he napped while I was out and then wouldn’t go down for the rest of the day.
Baby Boy was super fussy Thursday afternoon and this continued until Sunday morning when he had an incredibly chilled out day. He is going through a development leap according to Wonder Weeks and I think he might be starting the four month sleep regression (where baby sleep cycles change to be more like adult ones), but basically I’m just guessing. That’s what we do with babies isn’t it? We see they are fussy and unhappy and we want to fix it. When everything fails (milk, sleep, calpol) then we need to find an explanation to make us feel better.
Weekend Plans
I honestly don’t know what I got up to on Saturday. Little was playing next door for much of the day and G slow cooked ribs in his Big Green Egg, but what did I do? I have no photos to look back on, I didn’t do work or go out. I’m pretty sure I didn’t even get much sleep. Why do I keep on losing hours and days of my life with nothing note worthy happening? If I don’t have something to show for the day it feels like nothing happened so if I don’t work, clean, tidy or have a great time where I have managed to capture the fun on camera (which I will always do, even if the quality isn’t good enough to share) the day is lost.
Sunday was a better day. I took Baby Boy for his first swimming lesson which he loved. This was as part of our Ambassador role with Konfidence so I’ll be writing a post about it soon.
People say that Babies get really tired after swimming and sleep well. My eldest never did after her lessons and Baby Boy didn’t either. He was less tired than normal on Sunday, more chilled out and he barely slept all day. This had the advantage he went to bed at 6.30pm though.
Sunday afternoon we went to the ever reliable Pizza Express for a birthday meal with my Dad. It was lovely to see my big sister who had just come back from Columbia (she likes to holiday in strange places) and catch up with my Dad before he goes on holiday. I’m starting to wonder why I’m the only one not going on holiday!
Work Update
It was a better week for work, but I didn’t get as much done as I would like. I was bubbling over with ideas that I didn’t have time to work on so I’ve been making lots of notes while I hold the baby and I’m hoping I’m still full of the energy when I get a quiet few hours.
Last week I published a post on the Neos SmartCam I reviewed (AD), I genuinely love the camera and I’m just trying to decide where to keep it as it’s permanent home so that it works well for security, keeping an eye on the children and doesn’t make G feel too watched.
I also published a fun post on colour sorting with DUPLO, I got great feedback with lots of people sharing this post so I will be writing more of these sorts of activities under a new category of Play Ideas for Toddlers and Preschoolers.
Baby Boy's Immunisations
Baby Boy had his first immunisations last week. They should have been at 8 weeks so they were 7 weeks late, this was partly due to him being ill (thanks toddler germs) and partly due to the doctors surgery being rubbish. I initially tried to book them when he was about 4 weeks old, but I was told their nurse was leaving so they couldn't book us in. You can never get through on the phone and he had a nasty cold so I didn't try again until we had our 8 week check up. As the time came closer for the appointment he had an ear infection so the doctor suggested we push the immunisations back a week, she said that he needed to have the rotavirus before 15 weeks, but that we were still in time. I received a call later that week from reception saying the doctor had booked the immunisations on a day the nurse couldn't do it, so offered the next available appointment which was the following week. I said we were meant to have the rotavirus before 15 weeks and he would be 15 and 1 day, they said that was fine. I then assumed that meant that "by" 15 weeks meant up to and including the 15th week. It was only when we turned up to the appointment that the nurse said we were too late. She says his risk of needing it is lower now, but I am really angry with my doctors surgery and them messing up. They are so useless I don't have the energy to complain and none of our local surgeries are meant to be any better. Fingers crossed he doesn't get poorly.
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