I Guess It's Time To Get Used To Being Cold

Game of Thrones warned “Winter is here” and this week I well believe it. Last September we were still wearing t-shirts, but this year my heating has been turned on and I have packed my summer clothes away. All my (slim) hopes of an “Indian Summer” are gone.  I might have experienced over 30 Autumns in my lifetime, but somehow the season change still surprises me. Every year when the daily high drops below 20 degrees I forget that I’m going to be cold pretty much until May (apart from when I go into an overheated shop or train and I find myself melting underneath all my layers). I’m also surprised with how quickly the nights are drawing in. The long evenings playing in the garden are behind us for another year and we now have to have the light on for bath time. 

A spiky conker on brown leaves signalling the start of Autumn and cold weather

While I recognise Winter in the UK is pretty moderate, the wet, grey days, boots and jumpers still require some adjustment. My favourite season is Spring with all it’s optimism and fresh starts so I find the shock of Autumn's arrival takes some getting used to. It seems I’m not alone in forgetting what comes with the change of the seasons though. The colder weather effects what we wear, what we eat and even how we parent. I asked some other bloggers to share their thoughts on what they forget about the cooler months and this is what they had to say:

Getting Prepared 

I forget they're going to have outgrown last year's winter pjs. Off to the shops today! Mum of 2.5

I forget to get wellies or winter footwear until the snow arrives. Every year! Our Altered Life

I always forget to stock up on de-icer until it's icey and all the shops are sold out and I'm stuck outside scraping the chunks of ice off like a numpty with a nose brighter than Rudolph, nippy ears and a 90% chance I'm running late - always a good excuse though. Tea Terri and Two

Every year we forget to order wood for the fire until the last minute. This year I couldn't get a chimney sweep at short notice either, so I bought some brushes and did it myself. Living Unplugged

The Challenges Of Winter Clothes

I'll now spend 98% of my time searching for a second mitten! Wafflemama

I forget that the coats never dry properly overnight! We got soaked on the school run yesterday, hung them up but they were still damp this morning! My Mummy's Pennies

The Weather

I always forget how cold it can be in the mornings. That first step into the garden on a cold autumn day, barefoot, will soon have me running inside! Tattooed Tea Lady

Twinderelmo forgets: How much money you have to spend on gas and how cold it is stepping out the shower!

I always forget how quickly it gets muddy and how incredibly dirty my dog gets every time we go out for a walk! Welsh Mum Of One

A girl in winter clothes: thick cardigan, tights and wellies sitting in a tree

It’s not just the cold, wet weather; Autumn comes with a clock change and Christmas shopping too

Lylia Rose forgets: The clocks changing! Always catches me out every year!

Emily and Indiana forgets: How quickly Christmas things appear in the shops the second the summer holidays are over! I'm sure it gets earlier every year.

The Sensory Seeker forgets: How hard it is to get a birthday card for your Christmas baby once the Christmas cards hit the shops from September.

And most worrying for me was the reminder from Jade's Journey about: How hard it can be to entertain the kids everyday inside without just saying take your tablet and go watch YouTube.

I know I'm going to miss all the time playing in the garden.

Despite all this there were many bloggers who embrace the colder weather and wanted to remind us of all the nice things that they get reminded of at this time of year.

I always forget how comfy my Uggs are and wish I could wear them all day every day! But they are so ugly!! Mum On A Mission

I always forget how cosy dark nights can be, even though I spend the whole Summer dreading them! The Tale Of Mummyhood

I forget how much I love mince pies. And fires. And giant snuggly blankets. Mummy Is A Gadget Geek

I forget how much I love my slow cooker and how convenient it is Mrs Mulled Wine

I always forget how delicious stew and dumplings is! Mommy And Rory

I always forget just how breathtakingly beautiful Autumn colours are! And also how much I love my winter boots and how nice it is to be able to hide the chipped varnish on my toes in them! Pink Pear Bear

I forget how beautiful an autumn walk can be on a cold, sunny day with blue skies and an amazing array of colours in the leaves. My Boys Club

Autumnal trees with leaves on the ground in shades of green, yellow orange and brown

Thank you everyone who contributed to this post. Last year I wasn't complaining about having to turn the heating on until October. I wonder when it will be next year?


  1. I think it should just be spring all year round - make things much easier!

    1. I think that's an excellent idea. It would be a shame to miss out on Summer, but then lots of Spring days are lovely anyway.

  2. Thanks for featuring my comment (Mumof2point5). I have shared your post on facebook and twitter x


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